Pro Hedge Funds Prospectus Question For Those With Experience In Investment Banking.?

Question for those with experience in investment banking.? - pro hedge funds prospectus

Hello, I'm a junior college now, and I would also like to exchange and internships in investment banking. I know who know the pros and cons of both positions. What would help even more, becoming better, more lucrative jobs in the future (hedge funds, private equity, etc.)? What will generally pay more? In general, where the two would you recommend someone in my position must go, if I had the choice?

Thank you for your help.


originat... said...

These questions are very broad. The best answer depends on the individual, especially as different paths to take in these areas. It is also necessary to pay attention to industry trends. Many companies in investment banking, asset management, etc., are shifting more of their activities in China and India. Not that there are more opportunities in the future, but employment in the financial services industry is changing something.

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