Retinal Migraine More Condition_symptoms Could This Be Linked To My Migraine Headaches?

Could this be linked to my migraine headaches? - retinal migraine more condition_symptoms

I suffer from migraines in the retina.
It makes me lose my eyes, and sometimes impact my ability to speak and sometimes I lose the feeling in my hands and arms.

I used to be done and then it stops for about 7 months.
I started feeling dizzy, dizziness, nausea and the whole time in 6 months.
The doctors said it was mono, blood pressure and possibly also as ...
But when these symptoms started my migraines retina also be returned.
Are they together?
Perhaps the low blood pressure is caused my brain does not receive sufficient blood to?

I just want some answers ... help if you can.
(only 17)


JSwis said...

Usually migraine causes high blood pressure, blood pressure, but also caused many problems - such as an infection in monkeys. Low blood pressure or an infection may actually be the trigger "- are different shutter sounds from certain odors to food.

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